Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Meaning of My Life

What defines meaning? What gives a person meaning and the will to continue to live? Does an individual’s existence have any real meaning or purpose? One can think selfishly and reason that if he or she is happy, then his or her life has meaning. This isn’t necessarily true. Doing this for your own benefit and enjoyment may make you happy and give you meaning, but how does it benefit everyone else? It doesn’t, so it isn’t really meaningful.
Contributing to the happiness of my family gives my life meaning. It makes me happy to see that I’ve done something to make someone else happy. Seeing that smile on their face motivates you to continue on.
Life itself gives me meaning. Everyday is full of new opportunities to learn new things, to search for more things to give more meaning to your life. That never ending search for possibly bigger and better things gives us a purpose, a reason to get up each day. The meaning of life is all about discovery. Learning about ourselves, other people and then sharing that newfound knowledge.

Friday, September 7, 2012


   As I sat at my desk to write Gianna's eulogy, I wondered: How can I write her eulogy so that it's just as unique as she is? My mind soon became flooded with the many fond memories I have of her.  She is actually quite a character once you get to know her. The first time I she was so quite and timid. She hardly ever said a word. Until the day we  discovered that we had many similar interests. That's when everything changed. I was exposed to a whole new side of her. To my surprise, she actually has a great sense of humor. She's also a little fiesty at times, which reminds me of when we were in kindergarden. I was the smallest kid in our class, which made me the punching bag for the bullies. On this particular day, the bullying was much more intense. It was time to go home, and, as usual, my coat was not in the coat closet. Gianna saw the boy take my coat, and once we got outside she kicked the boy's butt. In no way do I condone violence, but it felt amazing to see that kid feel the same way I felt. There has been numerous occasions whwre she has defended me and many others in our class. Thats just the type of person she is, always willing to help anyway she could if someone needed her.
    She's very studious. She loved to read and write. She would read anything, as long as it was interesting. She was a very fast reader too. If a book really grabbed her attention, she would finish it in one day. I always admired her determination and her ability to stay focused. One thing I have to admit is that I hate she is such a perfectionist. Every single little detail had to be perfect. If it wasn't she would redo it however many times it took until it was perfect. As I snapped back to reality, I remebered that I still had a eulogy to write. I once again asked myself: How can I write her eulogy so that it's just as unique as she is? In an instant, something clicked. It is not me who will make her eulogy unique, but Gianna herself. She will tell her one story through me and the many wonderful and one of a kind exeperienced I shared with her.