Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Meaning of My Life

What defines meaning? What gives a person meaning and the will to continue to live? Does an individual’s existence have any real meaning or purpose? One can think selfishly and reason that if he or she is happy, then his or her life has meaning. This isn’t necessarily true. Doing this for your own benefit and enjoyment may make you happy and give you meaning, but how does it benefit everyone else? It doesn’t, so it isn’t really meaningful.
Contributing to the happiness of my family gives my life meaning. It makes me happy to see that I’ve done something to make someone else happy. Seeing that smile on their face motivates you to continue on.
Life itself gives me meaning. Everyday is full of new opportunities to learn new things, to search for more things to give more meaning to your life. That never ending search for possibly bigger and better things gives us a purpose, a reason to get up each day. The meaning of life is all about discovery. Learning about ourselves, other people and then sharing that newfound knowledge.